CRC 111: Communication Skills I
The aim of this
course is to assist students improve upon their communication skills, and
become clearer, convincing and persuasive in their communication. Students will
gain more confidence and be able to present their message(s) with much
assurance after going through this course.
CRC 131: Introduction to
Computer Studies
is an introductory course in computing and the internet aimed at helping
students develop basic knowledge and skills in using the windows operating
system, and equipping them to utilize computer skills in message delivery.
EVM 111: Evangelism and
Church Planting
course seeks to provide students with instruction, encouragement and equipment
for God’s mission in the local church through church planting. Students will
gain an understanding of the relevance and importance of scripture in today’s
changing culture, as well as an appreciation of the cross-cultural aspects of the evangelistic and
church planting task.
PCM 111: Pastoral Ethics
course seeks to expose students to the ethical issues that relate to ministry,
and also detail the responsibilities of ministers as it affects the church and
community. Students who undertake this course will derive an understanding of
how religious morality and justice are integrated with faith.
THE 111: Christology
This course aims at introducing
students to the theology of the Church's doctrine about Jesus Christ in the
light of Christian faith, practice, and worship. With a special emphasis on how
the Church reflects systematically on the person, being, and ministry of Jesus
of Nazareth students who undertake this course will be
able to explain Christ’s crucifixion, death and burial, discuss intelligently
about Christ’s resurrection, ascension and list all the offices of Christ and
his position.
THE 131: Biblical
The course is aimed at providing
students with an illumination of the origin of the Bible, as well as equipping
students with a proper understanding of theories
relating to inspiration so as to have an appreciation of the evidence
supporting the authenticity of the Bible.
THE 151: Bible Doctrine
course seeks to equip students with the tools necessary for the exploration of
the fundamental foundations of the Christian faith, as well as aid them in
developing an understanding of the central theme of the bible. After undergoing
the studies, students will gain a better understanding of how to profit from
the study of the bible.
THE 171: New Testament
focus of this course is to give students an overview of the New Testament, with
special emphasis on the theme, purpose, structure and basic content of each
individual book as well as relating each book to the whole Bible. Students will
also be equipped with knowledge on how the peculiar message of each Biblical
book ought to be practically applied.
CAM 112: Principles of
Accounting and Statistics in the Church
is an introductory course in accounting and statistics that assays to equip
students with the basic understanding of the financial procedures in the church
as stewards of God’s resources. This knowledge includes an understanding of
money and its worth as well as the application of basic statistics and data
collection procedures in church administration.
CRC 112: Communication
Skills II
follow-up course on Communication Skills II, this course seeks to build upon
the skills acquired by the student(s) in the first semester. Upon completion,
students will be more confident and assured when delivering one’s message(s) as
well as being able to specify the exact meaning of messages in order to avoid
ambiguity during presentations.
PCM 132: Pastoral Counselling
is an introductory course to the ministry of pastoral counseling within the
context of the Christ’s church. The goal is to equip students with necessary
and knowledge and skills to enable them assist clients with their problems in a
spiritual way through the application of the techniques acquired.
THE 112: Biblical
is a foundational course in biblical interpretation aimed at introducing
students to basic exegetical tools required to interpret and appropriate the
biblical text. Students, after undertaking the course, will gain an
understanding of the different literary genres of the Bible as well as an
overview of various hermeneutical approaches to Scripture.
THE 132: Homiletics
goal of this course is to give students an exposure to the basic principles and
techniques of sermon preparation and delivery. With a stress on the need for
preparation of the personal life and work of the minister, students would be
well prepared to prepare well-structured sermons for delivery.
THE 172: Old Testament
course focuses on giving students a broad overview and survey of the Old
Testament. Students are going to be equipped to highlight on salient
information, analyze the major events, and narrate the content of all the 39
books separately.
THE 152: Introduction to
course is aimed at providing students an overview of fundamental beliefs and
practices in Islam by means of an assessment of Islamic history, law, and a
selection of theological orientations as expressed in the teachings of diverse
traditions. Upon successful completion of this course
the student will be able to do the following: Acquaint themselves with the
diversity of Islam as well as differentiate between the several concepts within
contemporary Islam.
THE 192: Ministerial
is an inter-semester training programme aimed at enabling students gain
hands-on experience in their areas of specialization, and achieved by assigning
students to ministers in churches and other related areas whose experience and
expertise match their area of specialization.
211: Church Administration
course is aimed at dealing with the with the theology
and principles of organizing, planning, managing and developing the local
church for effective ministry. After completion of the course, students will
have a better understanding of biblical foundations for administration
in the church, as well as appreciate the functions of the church administrator.
EVM 211: Church Music
foundational course in music, this course aims at enabling students properly appreciate the role of music in gospel presentation
and as a result learn to support and sustain the music ministry in the church.
Students will, at the end of the course, be equipped with knowledge on
how to manage the church music section effectively through diligent overseeing
and delegations for optimal spiritual results.
EVM 231: Spiritual Warfare
is an introductory to spiritual warfare, aimed at providing students with sound
Biblical knowledge in strategies necessary for
effectiveness in spiritual warfare. Students will develop an appreciation of
the importance of personal preparedness and the involvement of the Holy Spirit
in spiritual warfare, by the time they have completed this course.
SML 211: French Language
course is intended to meet the needs of adult learners who have little or no
previous knowledge of French. The focus is is to help students to progressively
acquire basic French language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and
writing) so as to be able to communicate in diverse real life situations.
THE 211: Dynamics of Faith
course is aimed at assisting students develop their
faith and mature in spiritual matters. Students will come to an understanding
of the complex aspects of faith and religious practice after completing this
THE 231: Systematic
course aims at exposing students to the various topics
within the subject of theology. By the end of the course, students will have an
appreciation of the significant developments in contemporary theological
discussions of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Church, grace and human
THE 251: New Religious
goal of this course is to equip students with the tools necessary to identify
and discuss the theology of new religious movements in our contemporary world
in a convincing and biblical manner.
THE 291: Research
aim of this course is to provide students with an introduction to the logic and
basic principles of social research, as a means of preparing them to carry out
social research.
CAM 212: Entrepreneurship
is an introductory course to the concept of entrepreneurship and Biblical
foundations for it. Its aim is to endow students with the skills needed to
effectively organize, develop, create, and manage a business.
PCM 212: Biblical
Leadership and Development
course focuses on helping students develop leadership potentials and get
familiarized with the various elements of the administrative process, with a
strong emphasis on biblical guidelines and the church context of Christian
PCM 232: Marriage and
Family Life
focus of this course is to provide students with deep understanding of the
family, its structures, and functions with a strong emphasis on the Biblical
Standard for Marriage, understanding and knowing God’s will in marriage,
Christian courtship, and child-rearing practices.
THE 232: Mother Tongue
The course introduces
students to the importance of the mother tongue scriptures to the African
Christian as well as enlightening them on the need for the mother tongue
scriptures in bible interpretation and its contribution to the understanding of
biblical texts in the African context which will pave way for more and better
understanding of the texts for the African Christian life and thought.
THE 214: Project
the supervision of a supervisor, students will be guided at this stage to
identify, develop, and complete a project of their choice which will be
submitted to the college as part of requirements for graduating from the
elective courses
CAM 231: Time and
Financial Management
course introduces students to how to build time management techniques into
their daily routine so as to be able to recognize and solve personal time
management problems, as well as staying in control of their working day, as
well as basic skills necessary for personal financial management and church
EVM 251: Cross-Cultural
aim of this course is to enlighten students on different approaches that could
be employed in reaching people of differing cultures with the gospel message,
as well as offering students with the basic premises for learning to announce
the salvation message in the context of a given culture.
LIM 221: Biblical Hebrew I
focus of this course is to provide students with an introduction to Biblical
Hebrew, the original language of the Old Testament, and to the basic grammar of
the Biblical Hebrew language.
SML 251: Youth and Campus
are provided with an introduction to youth ministry within the context of the
local church, in this course. At the end of the course, students will appraise
themselves with the requisite knowledge, skills, character, and vision the
godly and effective campus minister must possess in order to produce a
fruitful, enduring, and worldwide impact.
PCM 211: Counselling in
the African Context
aim of this course is to equip students with the requisite skills necessary for
understanding the problems of clients within their traditional, ethnic and
cultural settings as Africans. After undertaking the course, students will
better appreciate those practices that often produce a dysfunction in people
and how to assist them.
LIM 222: Biblical Hebrew
a follow-up course, Biblical Hebrew II builds on the basic grammar learned in
that course. This course is targeted at ministers of the Word of God and those
who seek to deepen their knowledge in the Hebrew language of the Old Testament
offer higher degree course in Old Testament exegesis.
CAM 242: Legal Environment
of Church
course takes students through an interdisciplinary and comparative study of the
relationship between law and religion and its implications for the church and
religious tolerance, with a particular focus on the relationship between law
and religion in Ghana.
THE 242: Contemporary
course facilitates students’ evaluation of contemporary, non-evangelical
theologies and an acknowledgement of their influence on everyday life. After
completing the course, students will be better placed to examine the major
trends in contemporary theological thought in the light of their philosophical
LIM 242: Ghanaian Language
is an introductory course aimed at exposing students to the basic vocabulary
and grammar of the Ghanaian language they prefer in order to equip them to be
able to both study and present the Scriptures to the indigenous people in their